Application Assessment
Felix Educational Consulting was started in response to Debra Felix’s experience as Director of Admissions at Columbia University and three decades as an Admissions Consultant to many excellent schools and individuals.
As the goal of admissions offices changed from selecting the right students to amassing the largest number of applications, Debra realized that busy applicants and families needed help wading through the quagmire of marketing materials and rankings in order to focus their limited time and resources on the schools most likely to provide their children with the best experiences and opportunities. Families also need help getting inside the minds of the admissions committee to understand what Admissions Officers are really looking for when they review an application. Finally, teens need help putting together the most effective application possible so they are admitted to the best schools for them.
In addition to her one-on-one admissions consulting, Debra provides services that assess the college applications of individual students.
Individual Assessment
This is an efficient, 30-minute individual assessment with a former Ivy League Dean of Admissions. You will receive an evaluation of your current profile, and the range of college admission rates to target in your college search. The Assessment includes:
Brief interview with the applicant.
Assessment of transcripts, standardized testing results, resume and interview.
Your questions answered.
Comprehensive Assessment
This is a rich, 90-100 minute individual assessment with a former Ivy League Dean of Admissions. You will walk away from this discussion with a better understanding of the admission process, the strengths and weaknesses of your current profile, and customized suggestions both to improve your profile and to get you started on your college application journey. The Assessment includes:
Short interview with applicant and parents to identify their goals and to address any concerns about admission
Assessment of transcripts, standardized testing results, resume and applicant’s strengths and talents
Online assessments to ascertain the applicant's strengths, interests, personality, and preferences
Evaluation of applicant’s admission profile and suggestions on what to do to enhance it
General information about the current admission landscape, process and trends, tailored to your unique situation
A discussion of "What Admissions Committees are Looking For" and an estimated score the applicant's current profile might receive on all six factors.
Additional Services
The College List provides you with a carefully constructed, customized list of best-fit colleges to consider based on information gathered during the Comprehensive Individual Assessment and subsequent in-depth interviews with the family.
Application Review is offered on a time available basis.
Essay Review is available for $1/word for essays based on the word limit for each essay.